Intro to Workshops

Anna provides a number of different workshops and classes including a series of health directed programs: menopause wellness, healing circles, reiki share circles, and children's singing circles. These workshops look at the many aspects of being whole, healthy and build inner wisdom from a symbolic as well as holistic point of view. Get empowered, informed, educated, and armed with tools to your own wellness!


Energy 101

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This two hour workshop will promote your ability to understand basic energy sensing and hygiene. Activating your hands, breathing energy to promote healing, grounding and shielding.

Chakra Balancing

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This introduction to chakras orients student to the presence of energy centres in the body and how to improve vitality. Participants will perform personal energy scans for themselves and others, learning appropriate use of energy and associated energy psychology.


Reiki 2nd Degree and Review

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Reiki 2nd Degree is a next step and Practitioner level that further explores you personal progress with the reiki system, mantras, symbols and distance healing. The time is usually distributed over 3 sessions (~2 hrs each). It is an opportunity both to review / learn, as well as, to check in with your personal growth process with the Reiki system of healing.